Unorthodox Holiday Blessings

  • A Prayer for Holy Confectionary Wafers

    The card for celebration of the holy wafer known for being consumed in rampant quantities over Christmas and the days that follow. Perfect for any confectionary wafer enthusiast who knows the true symbol of Christmas has a chocolate filling. 

    - ‘The holy wafer brings hope to all Corinthians 50:1’
    - A6 (105 × 148mm)
    - Matte finish 300gsm paper
    - Blank inside
    - Comes with white envelope

  • A Prayer for Protection Against Wellness Tips

    The card for those who deal with uninvited health or life advice when placed in a room full of people they see on an annual basis. This can at least provide a laugh before the possible urge to cry or scream at holiday festivities. 

    - ‘May no one ask “have you tried yoga” this Christmas’
    - A6 (105 × 148mm)
    - Matte finish 300gsm paper
    - Blank inside
    - Comes with white envelope

  • A Prayer for Protection from Body Surveillance

    The card for those who are bombed with diet culture that’s written into societal lore. It won't comment on food, your appearance or cast value judgments on these, a delightful balm to most holiday related chat.

    - ‘May no one comment on your body at the holiday function’
    - A6 (105 × 148mm)
    - Matte finish 300gsm paper
    - Blank inside
    - Comes with white envelope

  • A Prayer for Protection from Complicated Family Dynamics

    The card for those who are blessed with engaging in family relationships that could be described as multifaceted. A nod to the noble pursuit of attending obligatory family events, even when it will probably do anything other than 'spark joy'. 

    - ‘Thoughts and prayers for surviving your family festivities’
    - A6 (105 × 148mm)
    - Matte finish 300gsm paper
    - Blank inside
    - Comes with white envelope

  • A Prayer for Protection from Procreation Interrogation

    The card for those who receive inappropriate enquiries about their plans to procreate due to the pervasive presumption of breeding as an inevitable priority.

    - ‘May no one ask about your procreation plans at the family function’
    - A6 (105 × 148mm)
    - Matte finish 300gsm paper
    - Blank inside
    - Comes with white envelope

  • A Prayer for Protection from Unsolicited Medical Advice

    The card for those who are blessed with receiving uninvited health advice when interacting with people at large. A paper acknowledgement of the tsunami of well-intended-but-unhelpful advice gifted over holidays. 

    - ‘May no one provide unsolicited medical advice’
    - A6 (105 × 148mm)
    - Matte finish 300gsm paper
    - Blank inside
    - Comes with white envelope
